Somersfield Academy News

Meet the Class of 2024
Introducing the Class of 2024
“Embrace the journey, celebrate the milestones, and let your dreams be the compass guiding you to endless possibilities.” - Anonymous

CAS Project: Jasmin, Desmond, & Cameron
Three DP2 students, Jasmin Hasselkuss , Desmond Crockwell, and Cameron Simons have been working on their project that features community service and helpful initiatives, focusing on the local Christ Church. Their goal is to provide food for people in need and spread awareness throughout the community about the issue of hunger in Bermuda.

MYP & DP Students Attend Youth Entrepreneurship Summit
Somersfield Academy DP2 students recently seized the opportunity to expand their entrepreneurial horizons at the Youth Entrepreneurship Summit held at Pier 6. The summit proved to be an invaluable experience, offering a platform for budding business minds to glean insights from successful entrepreneurs and uncover the secrets to their triumphs.