CAS Project: Jasmin, Desmond, & Cameron

As you all know, throughout the Diploma Programme, our students complete a CAS project. An assignment that undertakes three components: Creativity, Activity, and Service. Three DP2 students, Jasmin Hasselkuss , Desmond Crockwell, and Cameron Simons have been working on their project that features community service and helpful initiatives, focusing on the local Christ Church.

Their goal is to provide food for people in need and spread awareness throughout the community about the issue of hunger in Bermuda. Jasmin, Desmond, and Cameron have been making on baked goods and dropping them off at the Christ Church to Mr. David Thompson (the head of the Feeding Program). Additionally, they sought out for teacher’s help, asking them to make their own baked goods for the cause.

Whilst this project was primarily run by the three of them, there is a way you can help too! Christ Church is looking for student volunteers (preferably aged 14 and up) to prepare and hand out food at the Christ Church. They are also looking for parent helpers that can drive food to families who do not have the means of transportation. These three students are making a difference in the community, and you too, can be a part of the change.

If you are interested in volunteering and want to know more, please contact


Eden Lightbourne: Excellence, Advocacy, and Aspirations


Culture Corner: World Religion Day