Somersfield Academy News

Somersfield Academy head girl: A voice for students
Somersfield Team Somersfield Team

Somersfield Academy head girl: A voice for students

Kelsea Williams, Head Prefect at Somersfield Academy, oversees the M4 and M5 prefects, her role involves managing the prefects, chairing meetings, and representing student concerns. Kelsea values the role for its portfolio boost and fun perks, like the candy locker and field trip supervision. Outside school, she enjoys socialising, piano, voice lessons, and the Youth in Touch programme. She looks forward to exploring life beyond Bermuda.

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Students Showcase Creative Personal Projects in IB Exhibition
Somersfield Team Somersfield Team

Students Showcase Creative Personal Projects in IB Exhibition

Nine students from Somersfield Academy's International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme will showcase their personal projects on Friday from 10am to 12.45pm. Projects include kite-making, a photo gallery with poems, a music video, a documentary on youth violence, soccer skills videos, original music, a mural, and a personal identity documentary. Each project integrates an 'area of interaction' such as community service or human ingenuity. The public is invited to attend and view these creative endeavours.

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Somersfield Prefects Chosen in Rigorous Process
Somersfield Team Somersfield Team

Somersfield Prefects Chosen in Rigorous Process

Somersfield Academy has recently appointed 10 prefects to take on wide range of responsibilities and leadership roles within the school. The prefects were chosen by merit through selection process that included personal interviews with teachers, essays, and character references.

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