Somersfield Academy News

The Power of Multi-Aged Classrooms in Montessori Education
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The Power of Multi-Aged Classrooms in Montessori Education

In the words of Maria Montessori, "Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment." By fostering a sense of community, promoting autonomy, and embracing diversity, multi-aged classrooms empower children to become lifelong learners and compassionate individuals.

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Maria Montessori and Labour Day: A Unique Connection
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Maria Montessori and Labour Day: A Unique Connection

Did you know there's a surprising connection between this day and Maria Montessori's revolutionary educational philosophy? While Labour Day honours the struggles and achievements of the working class, Montessori education has a rich history of promoting social justice, equality, and the idea that work is a fundamental aspect of human development.

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The Normalised Classroom and Control of Error in Montessori Education
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The Normalised Classroom and Control of Error in Montessori Education

The normalised classroom and control of error serve as pillars of Montessori education, nurturing a generation of self-directed, resilient learners. By embracing these principles, educators pave the way for a future where every child thrives academically, emotionally, and intellectually.

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The Montessori Approach to Handwriting
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The Montessori Approach to Handwriting

Many Montessorians believe that instruction in penmanship, the skill of cursive handwriting, benefits all students. Cursive is a great exercise for strengthening fine motor skills; the gentle curved lines are an extension of the natural movement of the child’s hand.

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The Montessori Approach to Grace and Courtesy
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The Montessori Approach to Grace and Courtesy

Montessori education includes explicit instruction on social behaviour and are on par with lessons in math, music, and language. The lessons of Grace and Courtesy are often shown to the whole class and involve how to quietly push in a chair, how to walk around someone’s rug, how to make a polite request, and so on.

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The Power and Joy of the Silence Game in Montessori Education
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The Power and Joy of the Silence Game in Montessori Education

Today we live in a noisy world, filled with the sounds of the television, electronics, phone conversations, leaf blowers, sirens, and traffic. Many of us rarely have the opportunity to experience silence or to savour the quieter sounds of bees buzzing, wind rustling the leaves, or a fire crackling in the fireplace. The Silence Game can give children a precious gift that could last a lifetime: the ability to cultivate and appreciate silence.

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What is Montessori Cosmic Education?
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What is Montessori Cosmic Education?

Step into a world where stories unravel the mysteries of planets, animal migrations, and human evolution and reveal the interconnectedness of our universe. Developed by Maria Montessori, Cosmic Education is a unique approach to teaching, offering them a panoramic view of the cosmos to explore and discover, nurturing a lifelong love for understanding the world around us.

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Hidden Black Voices in the History of Montessori Education
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Hidden Black Voices in the History of Montessori Education

The narrative around Montessori education often revolves around figures like Maria Montessori and Alexander Graham Bell, pioneers whose contributions shaped its philosophy and practices. However, there are many significant voices, particularly those of Black educators, who championed the Montessori method in marginalised communities.

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Decoding Key Concepts for Holistic Learning in Montessori
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Decoding Key Concepts for Holistic Learning in Montessori

Montessori was one of the first educational theories to spring from direct, ongoing scientific observation of children. Montessori vocabulary serves as a compass guiding educators, parents, and learners alike on the journey towards holistic development.

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