Get Involved: Help Construct a Mud Kitchen for Our Children's House Division!

The Children's House (CH) Division is excited to share that we will finally be getting a new mud kitchen installed.  

In order for this to happen, we are looking for parents and senior students to volunteer with the construction of the mud kitchen and also to help relocate the compost enclosure.  We are grateful to have our very own Mr. Russell Peters, Secondary Physics Teacher lead the building of the mud kitchen and I am the contact person, coordinator for the CH playground and co-facilitator of the compost initiative. 

Tools for building the mud kitchen will be provided unless otherwise requested.  If parents have a mallet, we would appreciate if you would bring it for reinstalling the compost enclosure in its new location.

We very much appreciate your time and efforts to give the children another way to explore, create, discover, and imagine!!!!!

The date and time are as follows:

Date: Saturday, January 11
Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm
Location: Children's House Playground
Sign Up to Volunteer

A light refreshment will be provided


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