Culinary Creativity and Service: Naomi and Saraya's CAS Project Unveils 5 Weeks of Delicious Recipes

During the completion of the Diploma Program, there is a project known as the "CAS project" that our DP2s are currently working on. CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, and Service. Their project must contain two of these components.

Naomi Every and Saraya Hart (two DP2 students) are currently in the process of finishing up their project. They focused on Creativity and Service, and using these components developed 5 recipes that will be shared starting next week. For the creativity element of the project, the girls took photos, created instruction cards, aesthetically plated the food and developed new recipes. For the service part of their project, they will be presenting recipes for a little over a month in the Somersfield Star letter.

For the next 5 weeks, Naomi and Saraya will be putting their recipes into the newsletter for you to try out at home! If you happen to make one of their recipes, before you sit down and enjoy the delicious meal, take a quick picture and send it to: or!

The aim of this project is for their recipes to improve your culinary, cleanly, and organizational skills. These recipes will not only help to increase your knowledge in the kitchen, but they also have perfectly written instructions that are super easy to follow, even for an unexperienced cook! This project has helped them develop their collaboration, self-management, and research skills, and they hope that they can help you in expanding your cookbook!


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