Secondary Summer Reading
The school year may be drawing to a close, but the learning journey doesn't have to stop! This week, students attended an assembly, or were visited in class by Mrs. Rolph, to learn about our summer reading programme.
Students are asked to read one book over the summer and upon returning to school in September students will break into book clubs of 10-12 to do culminating activities to kick off the school year and celebrate summer reading! Each child is welcome to read many books as they want this summer. (And we certainly hope that they do.) But they must commit to reading one specific book.
We have a list of over 20 choices of books. It says the recommended year level for next fall for each book, starting with M1s, going up through M2s and M3s, all the way to our oldest older students in M4 and M5 and DP. Once you have looked through the gallery of book choices please select a title on sign up genius before Wednesday, June 12.

We have many titles for all age ranges and we look forward to your child signing up. Your family can get books from local bookstores later this month (see sign-up genius for which stores can import them), e-readers online, the Bermuda National Library, or however else you like to acquire/borrow books.
Please note that for children who read more than one book: three books earn a grub day, four or more books earns an invitation to a dessert party.
Children will also be given a reading log where they can keep track of any books that they read this summer and return in the fall.
See Full Summer Reading Slide Show: Summer Reading 2024.pptx
Your child may read as many as they'd like, but they must commit to one specific title on this signup genius link before Wednesday, June 12:
For a short video explaining how Secondary Summer Reading works, please watch here: