Building Memories and Resilience with Duke of Edinburgh

Over the past weekend, our M4s, M5s, and DP1s completed their qualifying journey to receive their Duke of Edinburgh award. Led by Ms. Simpson, Ms. Owens, and Ms. Garnett, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is offered to our high-schoolers every year.

The Award doesn’t just stop at a hike around Bermuda. From participating in a voluntary service year-round, to pitching a tent at night with your friends, this Award is the perfect way to leave a meaningful impact on both yourself and the community.

Last weekend, our students set out on their qualifying journey, following the practice that took place in March. We had nearly the whole M4 year participating in the Bronze level and 12 M5s and DP1s completing Silver. Bronze level includes one night of camping and two days of walking while Silver involves two nights of camping and three days of walking.

What may seem difficult and tiring at first, slowly becomes enjoyable and momentous as the journey continues. The bonds you develop with your group members; the laughs you share on the walks; the games you play around the fire. Bronze and Silver Awards, but golden memories!

A big shout out to every student who participated. Each one showing resilience, perseverance, and determination! Another shout out to the teachers that give up their weekends, check up on the students around the island, and go above and beyond to ensure our Duke of Edinburgh experience is nothing less than perfection.


Secondary Summer Reading


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