Somersfield Hosts Middle School Boys BSSF Badminton Tournament

On Monday, May 21, the highly anticipated BSSF middle school boys badminton tournament took place at Somersfield Academy. Six schools competed in this exciting event: Whitney Institute, Dellwood Middle School, Sandys Secondary, Warwick Academy, Saltus Grammar School, and Somersfield Academy.

In the U13 Boys Singles, JitHom Liew delivered a stellar performance, securing 2nd place. This is particularly noteworthy as JitHom has another year to compete in this age category, promising even more impressive results in the future. Raul Maldonado-Jaime also showcased his talents, coming in 3rd after making remarkable progress in his preparation for the tournament.

The U13 Boys Doubles saw a formidable partnership between JitHom and Raul, who dominated the final to become champions. Their teamwork and skill were evident as they outplayed their opponents. Riley Maybury and James Bigley also impressed, achieving 3rd place despite facing older competitors.

In the over 13 singles tournament, Max De Couto and Brooklyn Barnett advanced through the group stages to reach the quarter-finals. However, their journey ended there as they were knocked out at this stage. Aaron Lee managed to overcome his teammate Brooklyn in the quarter-finals but fell short in the semi-finals, finishing 3rd overall.

The over 13 doubles group stages were intensely competitive, with three of the tournament’s strongest pairs battling in the round robin. Aaron and Grayson Tavares faced a setback when Grayson injured his ankle, hindering their progress. Henry Fields admirably stepped in for Grayson, but they narrowly missed advancing to the group stages by just one point. Max and Brooklyn, however, made it through their group and went on to the semi-finals, ultimately finishing 3rd, a fantastic achievement.

Special thanks are due to the scorers who helped officiate the tournament: Emma Allington, Matthew Troake, Rose Paulos, Kieran Foster, Max Wallace, Jitshuen Liew, Cora DeSilva, and Dezirae Darrell.

Congratulations to all the players for their dedication and impressive performances.


Scholar Highlight: Roman Jones


Somersfield Hosts Middle School Girls BSSF Badminton Tournament