BSSF Primary All-Star Football Matches
Saturday, January 18 — The BSSF All-Star Football matches took place at PHC Field this weekend. The top primary boys and girls from schools in the East end of the island came together to face off against the top players from the West end.
Representing Somersfield on the Primary East Girls team, were Aela Fraser and Eva Desjardins. Both girls played exceptionally well and represented Somersfield with skill and determination. In an exciting and closely contested match, the East girls narrowly lost to the West girls. We are incredibly proud of Aela and Eva for their efforts and for representing Somersfield so well.
The Primary Boys match followed, with Austen Fagundo, Jeremy Ngaruiya, and Samuel Bernardino representing Somersfield on the East Boys team. All three boys played hard and displayed excellent sportsmanship throughout the game. Despite their efforts, the East Boys fell to the West Boys in another tough match. A special congratulations to Jeremy Ngaruiya, who was named MVP for the East Boys team!
Please join us in congratulating all our Somersfield All-Star Football players for their outstanding performances and dedication on the field.