The Montessori Approach to Physical Education
One of the core philosophical tenets of Maria Montessori’s education for children was her understanding of the need and importance for movement to perfect their coordination of both large and refined movements. In PE, the overall objective is to provide students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to make active living a way of life. Cooperation, fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork, communication and respect are emphasised at all times.
At the lower primary level at Somersfield, PE classes offer students the opportunity to discover the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways in which they are able to use their bodies to solve problems, address physical challenges, function as part of a group, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of situations. Students have been exposed to a number of activities that are developing their gross motor skills and are applying them in various sports. Competition is minimised as the students play and learn the fundamentals of a variety of team and individual sports: football, netball, gymnastics, field hockey, basketball, cross country, tennis, softball, bowling and cricket.
How can parents support their child in physical activities using the Montessori principles?
Follow the child – Introduce your child to a wide range of activities and support them in their interests at the level they aspire to, for as long as they aspire to it. A student who leaves the lower primary should have been exposed to a wide range of activities in and out of PE classes and is starting to identify areas of interest, enjoyment and success.
Emphasise the enjoyment of the process and of the competitive performance. Montessori is about the love of learning. The focus should be on getting the most out of each competition in terms of enjoyment, knowledge, experiences and character development. Results are important and indicative of success on a grand scale but HOW we play the game is what is MOST important at this age.
Remember the real goal of PE is to have active healthy individuals with a love of sports and fitness.