M3 Students Host Charity Walk

May 13, 2016 — Three M3 students from Somersfield Academy will see their planning and preparation put into action on Sunday, May 15 with a Family Fun 5K being held for the Bermuda Heart Foundation.

The organising students – Yusef Bushara, Jordan Etemadi, and Morgan Kempe – say they “decided to help heart disease because it’s Bermuda’s most wide-spread disease.”

Yusef Bushara told Bernews, “Last year, Somersfield decided to implement the idea of a community project. The idea behind a community project is to get the M3 students to contribute something positive towards their local community.

“This year, we decided to have a family fun 5K on behalf of the Bermuda Heart Foundation. Basically, with this, we’re trying to raise funds and awareness for the Bermuda Heart Foundation, through this walk and through this process of advertising and promoting this race. On Sunday, May 15, which is this coming Sunday, we’re going to be having our walk.”

“All of the coordinating for the event and the planning for the event has been done by us three.

“The funds go towards Bermuda Heart Foundation. We decided to help heart disease because it’s Bermuda’s most wide-spread disease. By combating something so large, we feel that it’s going to have a greater effect on the entire island.”

To register for the event, visit racedayworld.com. The event will begin at 8:00 am and end by 10:00 am, with a registration fee of $25.

Originally published on Bernews.com


Year in Review: Somersfield Academy


Teens bring families together for charity