Dr. Vernon Morris Sparks STEM Enthusiasm at Somersfield

October 18, 2023 - Somersfield Academy

We had the privilege of hosting Dr. Vernon Morris, where he delivered an enlightening science demonstration and talk to our eager M4 and M5 students. Dr. Morris's visit to Bermuda was made possible through the generous support of US Consul General, Karen Grissette (Somersfield parent), and the Arizona State University (ASU) partnership with Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS).

Dr. Morris, a distinguished professor in the fields of chemistry and environmental sciences, also serves as the director of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at ASU. His presence on the island served a vital purpose – to advocate for diversity in STEM careers.

The STEM disciplines, encompassing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, stand as some of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy. Dr. Morris's visit aimed to inspire more Bermudians to explore and engage with these subjects, fostering an understanding of their significance in our ever-changing world.

His engaging demonstration and talk not only ignited the curiosity of our students but also underscored the importance of embracing STEM education. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Morris for his invaluable contribution to our students' academic journey and for promoting diversity in the field of science.


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