5 Tips for getting ready to go back to school

  1. Re-establish routines

    Our routines can get muddled during the summer holiday with the extra daylight hours and the after work swims. Give your family 2 weeks to start re-establishing morning and evening routines so when school starts you’ll be back in the flow.

  2. Give yourself buffer time
    Morning routines can take longer when you’re tired so give your family some extra time to move slowly in the morning. Try five minutes of relaxed snuggles to wake up, reconnect and ask about their dreams or something they’re looking forward to that day.

  3. Encourage Independence and involvement

    Children who actively participate in preparing to go back to school (buying new supplies and sewing name tags into clothes) are more likely to get excited about going back to school and avoiding those first day nerves.

  4. Talk about First Day Nerves

    Let them express their fears. Offer stories about your own first day of school/work nerves. Practice calm breathing techniques. Discuss scenarios that might worry them so you can plan a strategy and rehearse it.

  5. Celebrate!

    Make the back to school transition something to enjoy and look forward to. Do a photoshoot in their new uniform, eat their favourite meal, throw a party with cake and educational gifts.


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