Re-wear: Giving Gently Used Uniforms New Life

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming Re-wear Event, designed to gather gently used uniforms that can find new life with families who may need them. This initiative not only helps in recycling but also supports fellow families within our community.

If you have uniforms that your child has outgrown or clothing items that are no longer needed, we invite you to take part in our collection drive. Your donated uniforms can make a significant difference for other families and ensure that no uniform goes to waste.

We kindly request that the uniforms you donate are in good condition and appropriate for rewear. Your thoughtful contributions will directly benefit families within our school community.


For your convenience, we've designated specific drop-off days:

 Drop-off Dates:

  • Friday, August 25th: Drop-off available at the back of the gymnasium

  • Monday, August 28th: Drop-off available in the afternoon at the same location

Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday, September 2nd

  • Time: 9:30- 11:30a.m.

  • Location: Gymnasium


Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact our PTA at


Thank you for your generosity and for joining us in making sure that every uniform finds a new home and purpose. Your participation in our Rewear Event is truly appreciated.


Introducing Stephanie Hollis, Digital Communications Coordinator


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