Zoë Mir Shortlisted for Foundation for Environmental Education

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] announced the winners of their National Young Reporters for the Environment [YRE] Competition.

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] is proud to announce the winners of our National Young Reporters for the Environment [YRE] Competition. ‘Exposing Marine Pollution’ was selected by BUEI as this year’s theme for the Island, which aligned with the competition’s global focus on pollution. Submissions ranged in the categories of writing, photography, and videography.

“Hosted for the first time in Bermuda by BUEI, the Young Reporters for the Environment Journalism Competition is a part of the YRE International Programme introduced locally in 2022. An environment-focused community journalism programme, YRE gives young people aged 11-25 a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions through investigative reporting, photography, and video journalism. Since its inception, BUEI has offered the programme in conjunction with its afterschool programme and summer and holiday camps, with students at the Bermuda College and the Berkeley Institute, and Youth Climate Summit project participants.

“Bermuda’s winners were entered into the annual Global Competition and local student Zoe Mir’s article submission entitled, ‘Plastic Pollution on Nonsuch Island, the Home of the Cahows’, has been shortlisted by the Foundation for Environmental Education for an international award.”

“Entering the YRE Global Competition through BUEI is a first for Bermuda. We are proud of all the submissions and national winners for YRE this year” said Joanne Ball-Burgess, BUEI Programme Educator for Eco-Schools & Young Reporters for the Environment. “Zoe’s shortlisted article represents our island on a worldwide scale and hopefully serves as encouragement for our young environmental journalists.”

The spokesperson said, “The YRE National winners are as follows:

Category: Environmental Campaign Photo

  • Sophie Eden, Age 11, Warwick Academy Student – Submission: ‘Happiness Ahead’

  • Caitlyn Glawdwin, Age 15, Bermuda High School Student – ‘Submission: Washed Away’

  • Anthony Buckley, Age 24, Bermuda College Student – ‘Submission: War for a Dying Planet’

Category: Photo Story

  • Josiah Darrell, Age 20, Bermuda College Student – Submission: ‘What motivates you to want to protect nature and the ocean?’

Category: Single Reportage Photo

  • Lailah Parker-Smith, Age 11, Whitney Institute Student – Submission: ‘A Golf Ball with a Smile’

  • Yeshai Burgess, Age 17, The Berkeley Institute Student – Submission: ‘The World in Plastic’

Category: Articles

  • Zoe Mir, Age 13, Somersfield Academy Student – Submission: ‘Plastic Pollution on Nonsuch Island, the Home of the Endangered Cahows’

  • Asia Robinson, Age 18, Bermuda College Student – Submission: ‘The Plastic Plague: Confronting the Devastating Impact of Marine Pollution’

Category: Environmental Campaign Video

  • Honourable Mention to Francis Patton Primary School

“Local YRE Journalism Competition Jurors included:

  • Weldon Wade, Executive Director of Guardians of the Reef, BUEI Board Member and Chairman of the Bermuda Historic Wrecks Authority

  • Jeremy Deacon, News Editor at The Royal Gazette

  • Janos Lengyel, Bermuda 3D Printing

  • Michelle St. Jane, Our World Too [OW2] Bermuda CEO and Co-Chair responsible for Bermuda Pilot Logistics

  • Kevin Glinton, Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation [BREEF] & Education Coordinator for Eco-Schools Bahamas

  • Ryan Dyment, Co-Executive Director of Eco-Schools Canada

  • Ali Hochberg, Outreach Manager at Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme

  • Shana Hollis, Artist and Chairperson of the Bermuda Arts Council

This article was originally published on www.bernews.com.


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