You’re Never Fully Dressed Without Quality Clothes

J’yindae Preece believes everyone deserves good quality clothes. He also likes to sew. His personal project about starting a clothing business was, therefore, borne from this belief and talent, as well as the fact that clothing is both relevant and an unusual path for males to follow:

“Lots of men and boys don’t normally get into fashion and I wanted to get involved in something I enjoy doing,” he says. “Clothing is a necessity. I believe that everyone deserves clothes that are good quality.”

J’yindae is a hard worker who volunteers as a ‘Candy Striper’ at KEMH and with KBB. He faces challenges such as his mock e-assessments head on and enjoys the character Starr Carter from ‘The Hate you Give’: “I like that she was able to gain courage in order to stand up for what she believed in,” he says.

J’yindae’s project fits into the IB MYP global context of perspective through globalization and sustainability, which encourages an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.


Driven to Overcome Dyslexia


Caring, Compassionate, Inspired by her Friends