Caring, Compassionate, Inspired by her Friends

Katiah Rogers chose a topical but emotive subject for her personal project, examining the issue of mental health depicted through art.

“It is a prominent issue in society and it is something that people in my community struggle with,” she says. “It is important for me to have a better understanding so I can sympathise with those who struggle. Mental Health has the potential to take many lives and suicide is a leading cause of death due to mental health disorders.”

Outside of school, Katiah volunteers at the Salvation Army, the Eliza DoLittle Society and North Village Community Club. In school, she is inspired by her friends, Imojen and Taliah, and she endeavours to be a respectable role model.

Before settling down into a career, Katiah hopes to travel and has a particular passion for Mexico because of their food and culture.

Katiah’s project fits into the IB MYP global context of perspective through personal and cultural expression, which encourages an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend, and enjoy our creativity; and our appreciation of the aesthetic.


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