A Whole-School Experience with Flexible Mindsets Professional Development

In today's rapidly changing world, adaptability is key to success, and this isn't limited to just students; it's now a whole-school experience. The advent of Flexible Mindsets Professional Development has revolutionized our educational approach at Somersfield Academy, and it's not just for the staff – it's for everyone.

Susannah Cole, our dedicated Flexible Mindsets coach, has been working tirelessly with our staff on a monthly basis to cultivate a mindset of flexibility, resilience, and growth. Additionally, she provides individual coaching sessions for students on an as-needed basis, ensuring that every learner benefits from this empowering initiative.

But it doesn't stop there. We believe that a whole-school approach includes our parents and the wider community. We proudly launched Flexible Mindsets at a recent PTA general meeting, inviting our parents to embrace this transformative journey alongside their children. Now, we're excited to take it even further by sharing this initiative with the wider community through our Star parent weekly newsletter.

Having a Flexible Mindset means we build our capacity to do three things:

  1. Become self-aware of who we are as learners and what we need to do our best learning (i.e. metacognition)

  2. Create a toolbox of strategies to support us to get stuff done (i.e. executive function strategies to learn HOW to learn)

  3. Use 'I CAN' messages and take time to practice using strategies so we prove to ourselves that we can do it (i.e. growth mindset)

As we do these three things more and more, we become increasingly more self-directed and prepared to go out in the world and make it a better place. With Flexible Mindsets, we're nurturing the flexible, resilient, and adaptable minds of the future. It's not just professional development; it's a holistic whole-school event that's changing lives and shaping the leaders of tomorrow.


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