Somersfield Academy Peace Day

September 21, 2017 — In support of the residents of the islands in the Caribbean, and as part of their Global outreach, Somersfield Academy is holding a “Coins For A Cause” fundraising drive starting today [Sept 21] and ending on Thursday, September 28th.

Each year, the United Nations invites people around the world to observe September 21st as the International Day of Peace, and Somersfield Academy said they believe this is an “opportune time to recognize and support those needing funding at this time. ”

Therefore, part of the school’s International Day of Peace initiative is to encourage all students to contribute coins of any denomination towards the cause of helping them to rebuild their communities.

Somersfield Academy’s Annual Peace Day Celebrations started this morning at 9am with a moment of reflection for those devastated by the recent storms, along with messages of peace from the M5 Prefects, and then Somersfield Academy staff, students, and faculty joined children around the world to simultaneously sing “Light a Candle for Peace”.

For more information about getting involved with “Coins For A Cause” please contact the school office on 236-9797 or email

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Somersfield Academy: Dreamers Doers Makers


Year in Review: Somersfield Academy