Greenrock put on a free film at Somersfield Academy

May 04, 2010 — Environmental group Greenrock will show 'The Story of Stuff' today at Somersfield Academy.

The movie, described as "a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled, humorous look at the underside of production and consumption", is being shown as part of Heritage Month, which has the environment as its theme.

The film "explores the connections between a vast array of environmental and social issues, and points the way toward a more sustainable and just world".

The film will be shown at Somersfield on Middle Road, Devonshire at 1 p.m. for students and 7 p.m. for the general public. Admission is free.

There will be food and, after the film, a "high energy discussion".

For more information call 747-7625 or 799-0379 or e-mail


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