Bermuda Day Mini-Marathon

On Thursday, May 23, Somersfield Academy Children’s House and Lower Primary students enthusiastically participated in a thrilling Bermuda Day Mini-Marathon! Our students had been eagerly practicing and training for this race in their PE classes, and their hard work truly paid off. Despite the scorching morning heat, the students had an absolute blast and, most importantly, demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the event.

Each year group raced by gender, sprinting from ‘Somerset’ to the ‘City of Hamilton’ on our field. The course was vibrant with energy as Upper Primary students lined the route, cheering and offering tremendous support to all the runners. A few students stumbled, but their incredible resilience shone through as they got back up and completed the race with determination.

We are incredibly proud and excited to congratulate the winners of each race:

HD Girl – Judah Maringi
HD Boy – Ailish Finney

FD Girl – Orla Sanford
FD Boy – Izaiah Terry

P1 Girl – Aishwarya Fubler
P1 Boy – Ethan Bernardino

P2 Girl – Hazel McIlwain
P2 Boy – Jake Eromin

P3 Girl – Aine Fahy
P3 Boy – Madox Seymour Durham

P4 Girl – Aleisha Siddiqi
P4 Boy – Trevor Mills

Congratulations to all our runners! We hope everyone enjoyed the Somersfield and community Bermuda Day celebrations!


Bermuda Private School Heads Association Ocean 89 Radio Segment


Somersfield Students Triumph in Bermuda Day Races