New Student Orientation Schedule

We invite all new students to Somersfield Academy and those transitioning to a new division to our New Student Orientation on Tuesday, September 3.


  • Upper Primary students: 9:30am–10:30am (Students are required to stay for the full hour).

  • Lower Primary students: 9:30am–10:30am (Students are not required to stay for the entire duration).

  • Children’s House students: According to your sign-up.


M1 Orientation (for students and parents) 8:30am–11:00am in the gymnasium

  • New IB Families Orientation (for students and parents) 9:00am in the Library

  • M5 Personal Project Jump Start (M5 students) 9:00am–11:00am in G4

  • DP1 Orientation 9:00am–11:00am in DP student lounge

  • DP2 Extended Essay Session 9:00am–11:00am in DP student lounge

Students can wear casual clothes and are welcome to bring snacks and a water bottle. We strongly encourage all M1 parents to attend the M1 Orientation, hosted by Susannah Cole and Joyanne Rolph. Key information on how best to support your M1 child at home will be shared.

Please note that all students attending the Orientation are not expected to wear their school uniform. However, they may bring their school supplies if they wish.


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