Get Ready to Unleash Your Spirit at Spirit Week 2023-24!

We are thrilled to announce that Spirit Week 2023-24 is just around the corner! Due to the threat of hurricane Lee, we’ve re-scheduled for September 18th to September 22nd.

This annual event is a fantastic opportunity for students to come together, showcase their creativity, and build school spirit. We wanted to provide you with all the exciting details about each day of Spirit Week so you can support your children in their preparations and participation.

Monday – The Time Machine: Dress Like Your Favorite Decade

On Monday, September 18th, we'll kick off Spirit Week by taking a trip through time. Encourage your child to dig into the fashion trends of their favorite decade and dress accordingly. Whether it's the Roaring Twenties, the Groovy Sixties, or the neon-infused Eighties, this is the day to express nostalgia and personal style.

Tuesday – Tie Dye Day: Get Creative with Colors

Get ready to unleash your inner artist on September 19th! Tuesday is all about tie-dye. Students are encouraged to wear their most colorful and tie-dyed outfits. You can make this a fun family activity by helping your child create their own tie-dye masterpieces in preparation for the day.

Wednesday – Out of This World Day: Dress Like Something from Outer Space

Prepare for a cosmic adventure on September 20th! Wednesday is "Out of This World Day," and students are invited to dress like aliens, astronauts, or any other space-related beings. This is the perfect opportunity for some imaginative and out-of-this-world costumes.

Thursday – Tacky Day: Embrace the Fashion Faux Pas

On September 21st, we're turning fashion on its head with "Tacky Day." Encourage your child to embrace their inner fashion rebel by wearing mismatched outfits, crazy patterns, and quirky accessories.

Friday (Somersfield Day of Giving/Annual Fund) – Childhood Dream Day: Dress Like Your Aspirations

Friday, September 22nd, is not only a fun day but also an opportunity to give back. It's our "Childhood Dream Day," where students can dress up as what they want or wanted to be when they grow/grew up. Additionally, it's our Somersfield Day of Giving, where we encourage parents to contribute to our Annual Fund, supporting various school projects and initiatives.

Spirit Week Tips for Parents

  • Plan Ahead: Help your child plan their outfits for each day of Spirit Week. Encourage creativity and resourcefulness by using items they already have or thrift shopping for unique pieces.

  • Participate: Show your school spirit by joining in the fun. You can tie-dye alongside your child, reminisce about your own favourite decade, or get creative with a space-themed outfit.

  • Support the Annual Fund: On Friday, please consider making a contribution to our Annual Fund. Your support directly impacts the educational experiences and opportunities we can offer our students.

  • Share Photos: Capture those memorable moments during Spirit Week and share them with us on social media using the hashtag #SomersfieldSpirit2023. We'd love to see the creativity and school spirit on display!

Spirit Week 2023-24 promises to be a week filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments. We can't wait to see how our students and families embrace each day's theme. Let's come together as a community to celebrate our school and the unique spirit that makes Somersfield Academy so special.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to a fantastic Spirit Week!

Stay tuned for updates and reminders as Spirit Week approaches!

If you would like to make an early contribution to Somersfield Giving Day, you can Make a Gift or for bank transfers, simply write “Somersfield Giving Day” in the notes.

Bank Details:

Somersfield Academy
Butterfield Bank
BMD 2000 6060 887473 100
USD 20006840 887473 100


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