M5s ace Individuals & Societies Project

The goal of interdisciplinary learning for Language and Literature and Individuals and Societies is to provide students with opportunities to synthesize concepts, knowledge, and skills on the complex issues of colonization.

For this year’s interdisciplinary task, students had to answer the inquiry question:

“To what extent does colonization and decolonization contribute to political, social, and economic instability of a nation-state? “

The students answered this through a two-part assignment that reflected their understanding of the impact that colonization and decolonization has on the stability of a nation-state.  

For their poster, the students had to create a poster presentation containing information about their chosen country, but making sure to include specifics such as:

  • A brief history of the country. 

  • Information about why the imperial power colonized (what resources did the colonial power want? political gain? Importance of territory to monarch/empire, etc.) . 

  • What events contributed to colonial powers decision to withdraw (decolonize)? Were there political movements? Civil war? Lack of financial means to maintain control of the territory? 

  • What economic, political, and social impacts did decolonization cause? 

  • What is the status of the nation-state today?

Overall, the students did exceptionally well on their poster presentation, and we are thoroughly pleased with them.

Well done, M5!

Highlight: Katiah Rogers (featured photo) produced a flawless presentation on Nigeria.

-Mrs. Usher, Ms. MacNeil, and Ms. Yoon  


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