Kenza Wilks ‘12 Interviews Former US President Bill Clinton

At the end of June, Kenza Wilkes OA (12-17) had the opportunity to interview former US President Bill Clinton in front of 300 friends as part of the 120th Anniversary of the Rhodes Scholarship.

They spoke about the shifting US-China relationship, the role of the United States in humanitarian intervention and Mr Clinton shared candid reflections on his administrations role in NATO expansion and failure to intervene in Rwanda. He went on to speak at length on the importance of bridging the political divide whether that be in addressing political extremism, building effective coalitions or tackling climate change.

Kenza Wilks was finishing his BSc in Philosophy, Politics and Economics with Chinese Language at King’s College London when he found out that he has been selected as Bermuda’s Rhodes Scholar for 2021. The Rhodes Scholarship is a fully-funded postgraduate award which enables more than 100 talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. It is the world’s oldest graduate fellowship, and awards fully-funded annual scholarships to students with proven academic excellence, exceptional character, leadership capabilities, and commitment to solving humanity’s challenges.

Kenza attended Somersfield Academy in Bermuda before arriving at Dulwich College in 2012, and upon being selected expressed his hope that the Rhodes Scholarship would not only equips him with a world class education from Oxford, but also help him develop the skills needed to help address the countless challenges on the horizon for Bermuda.

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