Inspiring Change: Somersfield Alumni Olly Cherry Discusses Youth Activism & COP28 on Bermuda Tonight

December 14, 2023 — In a thought-provoking interview on Bermuda Tonight, Somersfield Alumni Olly Cherry takes center stage to share his incredible journey as a passionate Youth Activist. Olly dives into the pressing issues that drive his activism and his experiences as a representative at the recent COP28 conference held in Dubai.

From his roots at Somersfield Academy to addressing world leaders at COP28, Olly Cherry's story is one of inspiration. Discover the insights and perspectives that fuel his commitment to making a difference in the world and learn about the impactful initiatives he is leading within the youth activism community.

Follow Olly Cherry's journey and learn more about the COP28 conference by visiting Together, let's amplify the voices that are shaping a sustainable future for us all.


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