DP2 Student, Maya Rajeh, Accepted to First-choice College

Congratulations to Maya Rajeh, who has been unconditionally accepted into her first choice college, Davidson College. She will study psychology, what an amazing psychologist she will be! A very special thanks to Mrs. Young and Mme. Bazin, who wrote amazing references. Maya’s reference reflected all the wonderful leadership roles which she has shown such a strength! We have no doubt that these opportunities, combined with her commitment and integrity with everything she does, helped to differentiate her from the many other students she was competing against for this acceptance.

In addition, and just as impressive, Maya wrote her IB Extended Essay (a 4,000 word in depth study) asking the question – To what extent has McDonald’s successfully applied motivation theories towards its employees in the USA from 2010-2015? Impressive! 

 Many, many thanks to everyone who has done anything to get Maya to this acceptance!


DP2 Student, Sam Lindo, Accepted to First-choice University


Alumnus Aldon Campbell featured in The Bermudian’s 2022 Rising Stars